Ignition Interlock Device

Florida’s DUI law, Statute Section 316.193 mandates that an Ignition Interlock Device be installed in a vehicle owned by a person convicted of DUI under certain circumstances.  See the chart below for guidelines.

In ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer that is installed in a vehicle and connected directly to the vehicle’s ignition system.  It requires the driver to blow into the device before it will allow the vehicle to start.  If the breath alcohol reading exceeds the limit allowed by law, the vehicle will not start for a few minutes.  Subsequent failed tests will result in longer periods.  Ignition interlock devices help to prevent someone with alcohol in their system from getting behind the wheel of a car.


First ConvictionIf court ordered
First Conviction if BAL is 0.15 or above, or minor in carAt least 6 months
Second ConvictionAt least 1 year
Second Conviction if BAL is 0.15 or above, or minor in carAt least 2 years
Third ConvictionAt least 2 years
Four of More Convictions (Condition of Hardship License)At least 5 years

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